In Personal Growth, Relationships

I honestly don’t know if I would still be pushing forward if it weren’t for the encouragement of people like you.

People who took the time to let me know that I was doing a good job. That what I was doing was making a difference for them. That they wanted to see more.

They could have easly stayed quiet–keeping their thoughts to themselves, but they would have created such a huge impact through the power of their simple words.

When doubt creeps in, it’s your words of encouragement that reminded me why it’s important to keep going. And so much good has happened as a result.

I am so grateful to have learned the importance of encouragement first hand.

Growth is hard.

That’s why whenever we’re getting better, we have “growing pains!” Growing means getting farther away from what’s known and comfortable to explore what’s possible.

I think it’s human nature to run back to what we know or stop before there’s a chance of risk.

But what if someone was on the other side of that bump in the road cheering for you to make it?! Wouldn’t that just lift a giant weight of your shoulders? Instead of being alone as you tried to navigate the hard parts–with all the reasons you “can’t” running through your head–the cheers overpowered your insecurities!

But it’s not just about receiving.

We need to give encouragement away like crazy… to everyone! Our kids need encouragement like they need water. Our spouse, our friends, co-workers, gym buddies… even strangers need it.

When we don’t say anything where we could say something, we are building a wall in our hearts.

We are disconnecting and disengaging.

If that’s not the intention, make it a point to cheer on or encourage someone who is doing a good thing because…

A) We need more of those people and their messages.

B) Your words might totally change their life for the better or even more, they might ripple into the lives of their kids, spouses, friends, or even strangers.

How powerful is that?!

Be part of the big story… Encourage growth!

Do it now! Who will you start with?

New Again: Healing Through Perspective

Read the story that changed everything.

To be New Again is to realize and embrace that on the other side of trauma or a life-changing event, you will never be the “old” you again. Experiences change us and that’s okay. In fact, it’s incredibly empowering if you choose to see your growth over your pain. Through every disaster, you can emerge new, even better than before.

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