In Personal Growth, Spirituality

When someone says, “that’s my truth,” they are justifying themselves.

But when we stand in THE TRUTH, there is no justification needed.

When we buy into “your truth” and “my truth,” that’s where reality gets muddied and life gets overcomplicated.

THE TRUTH is found in scripture, in context. When we study God’s word we are set free from the lies that hold us back.

Can you relate to any of these?

A few truths for common lies:



That person on Instagram has it all… I must have got the short end of the stick in life.


Real life is hard work, but there is joy to be found in it.

Ecclesiastes 2:22-25



My identity is in what I do, or what people think of me.


Your identity in Christ… that you are loved, pursued, and forgiven.

John 3:16



My purpose is to live out my passion. The bigger the better.


Your purpose is in your humble walk with God. He will take you where you are meant to be.

Micah 6:8



There is nothing good that can come from this pain God is allowing in my life.


God’s plan is good. His ways are above ours and so is His goodness.

Romans 8:28



I can control the outcome.


God’s plan can’t be thwarted.

Isaiah 14:27



I am not enough.


By the grace and strength of God, are we capable of anything.

2 Corinthians 3:5



God is far from me.


Nothing can separate you from God. Nothing.

Romans 8:39


So many times we wrestle with “the truth” as we are bombarded with the messages and confusions of this world.

But whenever we aren’t sure, we can look to and live by God’s word (the truth!) for the kind of clarity that sets us free.

“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” -John 8:31-32

New Again: Healing Through Perspective

Read the story that changes everything.

To be New Again is to realize and embrace that on the other side of trauma or a life-changing event, you will never be the “old” you again. Experiences change us and that’s okay. In fact, it’s incredibly empowering if you choose to see your growth over your pain. Through every disaster, you can emerge new, even better than before.

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