In New Again, Personal Growth

It’s amazing to me that I can increase whatever I want in my life if I only remember to pay attention.

And by that I mean “pay” attention.

Have you ever looked at “paying” attention as a payment – or investment – of your time and energy?

This is a powerful perspective because when your attention becomes an investment, you become invested in the result!

Anything you pay attention to grows.

Pay attention to your house plants and they grow. Pay attention to your worried thoughts and the worry will grow. Pay attention to your favorite activity, and your passion for that activity grows. Pay attention to your marriage and your relationship grows.

Attention is like that.

Anywhere you point it, the object of that attention grows.

How much attention are you giving to cultivate the things in life that you want? Really. Seriously. Honestly.

For example, have you put what you’ve learned from the last book or conference or Bible study into action? What about alllll the lessons from your wins and losses last year… Do you have a plan for how you can implement what you’ve learned?

Having the best intentions just isn’t enough to create real growth and progress.

It took me years to realize that intention ≠ attention.

It’s one thing to get intentional. It’s another to actually pay attention and follow through.

This is your year.

Pay attention.

Are you ready for renewal?

Live in your God-designed potential.

Are you ready to live to the possibilities of today… And everyday?!

You may want to make a change for the better, but the hard part is actually taking that first step.

I’m ready when you are.

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