In Personal Growth, Relationships

In the last two days I’ve had two friends break down in tears because their parenting efforts “aren’t working”…

Another friend told me she’s afraid she “messed up” her kid…

And then there’s me, trying to break through to my 14-year-old son with an F-bomb to snap him out of his “teen trance” in what I originally hoped to be an inspirational moment. Messed that one up.

The truth is we’re all learning by fire. And we’re all doing the best we can with the resources we have available.

Drop the guilt, the shame, and the embarrassment.

God chose YOU. He knew you were the only one who could raise your child up in their potential. And because of this, the enemy is going to attack you with lies that you’re out of options, that you messed your kid up, or that you’re a mess up.

Don’t fall for it.

Because while we can feel like we’re getting it wrong or we don’t always know what to do, we can rest knowing that our kids are ultimately God’s children, and our all-knowing God never fails. In those moments that we’re not enough, He is.

We parents are in the biggest fight of our lives as we fight to raise up our kids into Christ-centered men and women of the highest character and ability to live out their callings.

Let our weapon of choice be prayer.

Prayer for guidance, clarity, and strength in our parenting.

Prayer for protection, truth, and perseverance in our children.

Prayer for release of our children into the hands of their Heavenly Father and Creator… the One who loves them more than we can fathom and will supernaturally intercede on their behalf.

“Jesus said, let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” -Matthew 19:14

Keep up the good fight mama.

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You may want to make a change for the better, but the hard part is actually taking that first step.

I’m ready when you are.

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