In Personal Growth

Rushing from here to there (physically and mentally) is too much.

And guess what, you don’t have to do it.

It’s easy to believe we will get more out of our days by doing all the things, but we can’t do well if we don’t know how to be well.

And being well, may just require the power of the pause.

Did you know the book of Luke records Jesus withdrawing to solitude nine times?! This did not derail His productivity… it was necessary for His success.

You can do this too. It just takes intentionality.

Here are a few ideas:

1. Create a “quiet time” for yourself. Many people prefer quiet mornings before everyone wakes up. Personally, I prefer quiet nights when everyone is asleep. It’s up to you when you can carve out quiet time to read, reflect, pray, or just be still.

2. Partake in a meaningful Christmas advent. There are many great ones, including this one which goes through the Gospel of Luke and provides reflection prompts to help you really focus in on the reason for the season.

My hope for you is this holiday season is that you’ll focus more on being than doing so you can make the very most out of this precious time.

If you do, I know you will experience this season in a whole new way… as you shift from panic to peace. ?

Are you ready for renewal?

Live in your God-designed potential.

Are you ready to live to the possibilities of today… And everyday?!

You may want to make a change for the better, but the hard part is actually taking that first step.

I’m ready when you are.

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