In Personal Growth, Post Traumatic Growth

I have to tell you about this breakthrough client session from last week…

The topic was “The Pieces” of our lives (week 7 in the Renew You program).

She even came to the session with a list of the 10 worst things and the 10 best things in her life, as part of her previous homework assignment. And as I expected… almost all of them were connected. (Try this exercise for yourself!)

The point is…


Things are bound to happen that rock our world, knock our life out of sorts, leaving us to pick up “the pieces.”

But when we DO pick up the pieces, it’s an opportunity to re-orient, redesign, and recreate something really great.

We compared this to an earthquake hitting our pantry.

Earthquake = Life Change
Pantry = Life
Food = Pieces of Our Life

After the earthquake hits, you open the pantry door and everything is out of place.

So what do you do?

  • You purge what you don’t need (what isn’t serving you).
  • You realize you had really good things that expired because something else was always blocking you from seeing it.
  • You organize the things that were out of place.
  • You notice what’s missing that you need to restock.
  • You might even realize you have 10 of the same thing because you’ve just been acquiring on autopilot!

Isn’t that a lot like life?

But what if it didn’t require a disaster for us to take inventory and get our lives right?

? What if you got really intentional about all the pieces in your life now?

? What if you took care of the mess before it took over?

? What if you learned to keep things tidy?

? What would it feel like to know that all the pieces of your life are where YOU want them… not where they fell or where anyone else told you to put them?!

You have authority over your life, just like you do your pantry.

Here’s something to think about this weekend (and a great journaling exercise) if you want to work through it…

Analyze which pieces of your life are blocking your path to personal fulfillment:

  • Is something too crowded?
  • Is something in the way?
  • Is something in the wrong spot?
  • Is something missing?
  • Is something forced?

Why it’s so important that we think about this:

So we can get off autopilot and intentionally design a life that truly serves us and those we want to impact!

I really hope you take inventory.

And I’d love to know what you find… Really! Hit reply and let me know. ?

Personal Coaching & Mentorship

Live in your God-aligned potential.

Are you ready to wake up to the possibilities of today… And everyday?!

Let’s work together to renew your spark for life… to sow and reap with purpose… to generate a fruitful harvest that nourishes your WHOLE life.

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